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The Atlantic Zone, like any coastal region, has many harbours,
communication infrastructures (bridges), and tourist buildings. These
infrastructural elements are necessary to the economic
life/sustainability of the region. Their location could be such that
they are immersed, or in marling, swell or spray zones. Common
pathologies (like corrosion, biological attacks (i.e. bacteria,
moulds), leaching...) may coexist in some areas whereas in others the
form of attack is specific to a situation/location. The severity of the
attack mechanism(s) is(are) also highly site specific. These
pathologies can induce a structural, functional or aesthetics
degradation of the infrastructure where the rate of deterioration is
site specific. Such degradation can result in a loss of serviceability
of the infrastructure at an elemental or global level.
The managers/owners of such structures in the region are therefore confronted with questions concerning the time to initiate maintenance/rehabilitation and the extent to which this maintenance/rehabilitation should be carried out. The main implication being cost of repair and required budget spend. To adequately address these questions structure managers/owners must have tools for diagnosis of damage, for modelling the evolution of this damage with time and for optimisation of budget spend with respect to the extent of repair/rehabilitation (if any) to be performed on the structure. Such a tool must also be able to assess optimum times to intervention in order to optimise whole life spend for a individual structure or indeed for networks of structures.
The companies/operators charged with performing rehabilitation work
also require reliable information concerning the quality of the
available reparation products, their lifespan, and their suitability
for specific situations.
MEDACHS objectives
• propose solutions to increase in a durable way the tourist value of
old buildings and to improve the methods of repair of transport
infrastructures (bridge, wharfs ...);
• answer the concerns of the end-users (administrative of public and
private works, engineering and design departments) on the one hand
while being based on specific cases of works subjected to
deterioration, and on the other hand by writing operational practical
recommendations to improve the procedures of maintenance of the works;
• give tools to companies in the Atlantic Space to increase competitiveness through collaborations or technology transfers;
• facilitate the transfer of knowledge towards the end-users (building
owner, local authorities, diagnosis and maintenance experts, work
managers) by the mean of data bases (materials, methods of protections,
etc.) and of a decision-making software tool;
• carry out a European transfer of knowledge because the data base will
be available on a Web site in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese
(a later translation in other European languages can be possible);
• take into account different environments, the studied works are
located under various latitudes (from Lisbon in Dublin). Thus it will
be possible to take into account, and not only in laboratory but also
in situ, the effect of the various environments (salinity, moisture,
average and extremes temperatures etc.);
• develop a transnational and European network of completed research
in this area, linking collaborate administrations and laboratories
which have already a complementary know-how on these topics.
MEDACHS Research
• Study of ageing in saline air of wood, steel, stones (according to their career), and of reinforced concrete.
• Study of the available tools of measurements to evaluate the state of degradation of materials in laboratory and in situ.
• Evaluation of the state of structure in place (steel bridge and
concrete reinforced bridge, stone monument, timber structure, wharfs,
wharfs on piles): measure using tools of NDT, modelling of the
• Definition of an optimal policy of maintenance for structures similar to the preceding ones.
The project ends in December 2007.